About us

Name of the organization:  “Eko- Alem” (“Eco-World”) Public Union

Chairperson of NGO:          Yuzbasheva Sevil İsmayil

Vision: Green for Azerbaijan

Mission: : The Union is targeting protection and effective use of environment in the territory of Azerbaijan, preservation of rare flora and fauna species, including Caspian Sea, as well as protection of national values, history, folklore, monuments, and traditions within stable development conception. Furthermore, “Eko- Alem” Public Union aims, along with protection of nature, and ecology, to care about health of citizens, to enlighten people of the health care, to investigate their social problems.

Legal Status of Organization: The Association is a legal entity, independent balance sheet, property, bank accounts, a circular seal and stamp, as well as other requisites malikdirAzərbaycan in all areas of non-governmental organizations operating in the Community.

Address of the organization:          Azerbaijan republic, Baku city, 9“a” m/d, Mir Jalal str., 15,  app. 4

Contact numbers:                            E-mail: eco.alem@gmail.com                                                                         syuzbashova@mail,ru

 Web-site:                                    www.eco-az.org

Office:   +994 12 430 51 73

Cell:       + 994 50 621 38 25

+ 994 51 308 63 51

Brief information on projects carried out by the organization:


Project title

Implementatio period


1. Concept of public unions on institutional development of the Coalition on Improvement of Transparency in Extractive Industries, capacity building for its members



Financial support of OSCE Office in Baku

Ecological education master class for development of cultural tourism.



Council on State Support for Non-Government Organizations under the President of Azerbaijan Republic


Educational workshops for students of 7th class on “Civil society and ecological education” at secondary school N: 124 in Shaghan suburb in Khazar district.


03.02 2011

Organized by “Eko- Alem” Public Union and “Equal Opportunities” Public Union


Knowledge for children in education institutions on gender issues and ecological education.




Council on State Support for Non-Government Organizations under the President of Azerbaijan Republic


Monitoring of Goy-gol forests jointly implemented with ministry of ecology and natural resources and Coalition on Improvement of Transparency in Extractive Industries.

17.06.2010 27.06.2010

Organized along with  ministry of ecology and natural resources


“Monitoring of preliminary stage for implementation of transparency initiative in gold mining industry and advocacy for joining other non-oil and non-gas industries to  ministry of ecology and natural resources”.


01. 07.2010


Financial support of Open Society Institute and RWI

7. Use of “Ecological games” in children’s ecological education.



Council on State Support for Non-Government Organizations under the President of Azerbaijan Republic


Training for teachers of 134 secondary school in Sabail district on implementation of ecological games in education.


Organized by “Eko- Alem” Public Union


Events on agitation of untraditional methods in youth ecological education.




Financial support of Open Society Institute

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